Monday, 19 September 2011


Hi guys!

Ok, so I haven't posted a blog for ages. And this blog is just on a whim to be honest. I was bored and thought it would be fun to try out some drag makeup!

I have never done it before, but I really admire drag artists that are really good at their makeup application. Just imagine say, your boyfriend, trying to apply a full face of makeup and coming out of it looking more glamourous and pretty than you do! Obviously that is a bit of an over exaggeration as drag artists do take other steps to make sure the application is easier, but still. Stubble, eyebrows, etc are difficult to cover and that's just the beginning!

My biggest problem came from my brows, which are naturally quite thick and course - which makes them a pain to cover!

I used Pritt stick to cover them, it did work to some extent, and would be perfect for someone with thinner brows that wanted to cover them. There are many other products on the market that you can use, but I haven't ever researched these products enough to know the ins and outs of eyebrow covering. Soap can also be used to cover your brows, although this is a massive no no for me as mine are just so thick!

Once I'd covered the brows I then smoothed them as much as possible with a small amount of water and then left them to dry while I applied my foundation.

I went very light with my foundation (especially as I have a tan from my holiday), but dramatic looking makeup is the whole point of drag, it's full on glamour. Going slightly lighter with my foundation allowed me to get a darker shadow when it came to contouring!

Foundation: MAC NC45 Studio fix fluid, mixed with MAC NC45 Pro longwear concealer

To cover the brows; after the Pritt stick had dried, I used Pro longwear concealer followed by the foundation to blend it.

Next I repositioned the eyebrows using MAC eyeshadow in Espresso, I then went over it making hair like lines with Rimmel eyebrow pencil in 001 Dark brown.

So once you have the new eyebrow position, you can now also raise the natural position of your eye makeup also.

So I started by applying eyeshadow primer:
Urban Decay primer potion (any colour) and then on top I used Sleek eyeshadow primer from their palette in green.


All sleek colours
From the Monaco Palette - the deep purple, light purple/ lilac, the acid green and the fushia

From the Original palette - the deep toned purple/ blue

White eyeliner pencil to line the inner water line

Black liquid liner

Fake eyelashes top and bottom

I'm not going to add a write up of how I did the eye make up, but basically, I took my time to blend all of the colours together and to create a line of depth above the socket to give the illusion of bigger eyes.

Sleek blush in coral, mixed with the Fushia from the Sleek eyeshadow palette again.

I used Revlon eye pencil in Aubergine to line the lips
I mixed MAC Spirit and Captive lipsticks and blended into the pencil
I then used a gloss to add shine.

Hope you like the look!
